Friday, June 11, 2010


I wonder if the crickets I heard last night were coming from my blog? Totally possible!

Anyway. The culinary adventure of the week is the grilled pizza! My sister is hosting her own birthday party tomorrow and we are doing grilled pizza. This will be the third pizza grill out. I'm making some of the dough right now, a slightly sweet oat flour mixture that will be for some raspberry peach dessert pizzas and cherry pizzas. It's an experiment, kind of made up the recipe and I hope it works!
I will also make semolina dough (nice and crispy for pizza) and some whole wheat dough. We've made some crazy concoctions involving salmon, funky cheeses, sauces, and vegetables. Not sure what's in the mix tomorrow as I usually end up rolling out the dough and Bubba (sis's husband) makes the actual pizzas.
I just had a thought. Beer batter pizza dough? Hmmm. I may mix up a small batch tomorrow!

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