Monday, April 21, 2008

Sahm I Am

I put in my notice at work today. My last day will be May 20th. My manager totally understands and doesn't blame me one bit. Her last day is May 11 so it really doesn't affect her. My new manager was the assistant manager back when I was hired in almost 2 years ago. She will understand too as she is good friends with my manager.
I did not work last deployment and it worked out just great for me. I stayed employed this time because I thought I could handle it. I didn't expect this $5 footlong thing to happen or for 4 other employees to quit all around the same time.
So I will definitely have Memorial Day weekned off, haha. And I'll be a SAHM until my husband returns from his deployment.

My general manager Mike did say when I told him that he would hire me back no problem if I changed my mind later on down the road. I've had about 3-4 discussions with him about this since Mark left and it didn't come as too much of a surprise to him. Though I think per our last discussion he thought I'd stick around a lot longer than I am.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Breather

Work has been so stressful and fast paced lately that it's been driving me nuts. I had yesterday off and was finally able to catch up on some housework. Today I went in and it was like a normal regular Monday. No massive amounts of customers. People were friendly. My manager and I had a good day and got a lot accomplished.

I don't work tomorrow at all. My stress level has gone way down again. Today is a day that reminds me why I like my job. Doesn't mean I'll stay there after this summer. But I needed a day like today to help me get through the next month or so.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I was reading my sister's post on obsessions (with her fertility) and realized I have one too. I'm obsessed with my computer and cell phone being on and powered up at all times.
My husband left the states recently for about a year or so and I've only heard from him once, via phone call. When he was at training for 3 months, I heard from him daily via call and weekly via email/IM and throughout the day on the text messaging on our phones. I still catch myself wanting to text him during the day. Silly things like the notes we used to pass in the hall way back in high school.

I'm constantly checking the phone to make sure it's charged up. As soon as I wake up, I make sure Yahoo messenger is signed in. I know he doesn't have an internet connection yet but I'm still signing in "just in case". I sleep with the phone beside my pillow. There's so much to tell him that went on this week with the kids and the house and work. 3 oldest all got honor roll and the oldest two got a big award, basically student of the quarter for their grade. The youngest had Kindergarten registration. The flowers in the garden are starting to bloom. The garbage disposal isn't working anymore and our almost 9 yo daughter broke her glasses again.

Well, I did send him the link to my Blog. So even if I forget to tell him any of this on the phone, he can read it here.
So if you're reading this, Babe, I miss you. Love You. Call when you can.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Here's a first

My kids have been attending the same school for 7 years. Today was the first time ever that I had to leave work to get one of my kids from school due to illness.

Last year one kid got sick but my husband was on afternoons and since he's a supervisor, he picked up sick child and went to work late so I could stay at work til my shift was over.

I felt stupid when I walked into the office and the secretary had to laugh at me. I had never picked a kid up during the school day and had to ask where I had to sign him out.

As for the kid, he's fine. We've been having spring allergy issues here and the sinus drainage made him get a little queasy.

I'm so glad a girl from another store was able to come cover my shift today though or I'd not have been able to leave work. I'm beginning to re-think my decision to keep my job this deployment.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


A Blogger?
Well, I guess this is it. I've been tossing around this idea for a few years now. Even did a private blog once but never shared it. I suppose it was my sister, Kris, who got me to seriously think about it again with her blog. Not that I think anyone really wants to read my ramblings, lol.

Who am I? Well, I'm Becky, a 30-something mother of 4. Wife of Mark, my high school sweetheart and best friend. He's a very hands-on husband and father, and a better housewife than I am. I work outside the home a little. Nothing of consequence really, just something to keep me busy now that all 4 kids are in school.

What lead me to the decision of a blog is I figured it would be a fun thing to do. Maybe it would keep my friends and family updated on things going on in my little corner of the world. Maybe it would help me blow off some steam too. Who knows where it will lead?

I sometimes think my life isn't very interesting. But then life likes to throw me for the occasional loop. And that's what I hope to share on this blog. You see, to the outside world I lead a pretty normal life. My husband has a good job, we own a nice house and have good, friendly, normal kids. But then the "real world" likes to creep up on us.

You see, my husband is in the national guard. He has been since high school. I still have the letters I wrote to him in Basic Training. He's on his second deployment and as he put it to me this morning in a phone call, it's kind of surreal this time around. Like we can't believe we're going through this again.

I won't complain about the pay, or the working conditions or anything like that. At least, I'll try not to, haha. I won't get into the politics of this war in Iraq or anything like that either. What I will get into is the daily life of a guard wife and guard kids. And a little about my husband's life over there as well.

I do hope you enjoy my blog.