Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year!

I know it's been some time since I have posted an update. There's been a lot going on but some of it was a secret from my husband so I didn't feel I could blog without mentioning it.
Nothing horrid, but it was a surprise for his homecoming. He's home now so I can say.
In July I joined Weight Watchers. I've done it before, online, and did rather well. But I knew I needed the support of a meeting. So as soon as he left back to his unit after R&R was over with, I joined up. Yeah I know, I'm not what most would consider overweight. I wore a size 10/12. But I was unhappy with how I looked and it kept me busy while he was gone.
So, I joined and did well. After about 2 months, I started going to the gym a few times a week. Gotta use that membership I bought last February. In October I started a Yoga class which I LOVE.
A week before he was due home, I hit my goal and actually overshot it by a few pounds. That week I was sick with a stomach issue that I believe now was part of the current Salmonella thing going around since Sept. That's another post for another day though.
So the day I picked up my husband from his deployment, I was the size I was 12 years ago, a month before we got pregnant with our oldest child. I was in a size 6 jeans for the first time since having my son.
Many people were in on the surprise. Including my entire family basically, and my husband's mom. I am surprised I was able to keep it quiet because I'm never good at that. Well, pretty much everyone knew but dh, lol. It was hard not to mention it on my facebook and I completely stopped blogging because I was afraid I'd mention it. My husband reads my blog and facebook.
I should be back posting at least once a week now.

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