Friday, April 11, 2008

Here's a first

My kids have been attending the same school for 7 years. Today was the first time ever that I had to leave work to get one of my kids from school due to illness.

Last year one kid got sick but my husband was on afternoons and since he's a supervisor, he picked up sick child and went to work late so I could stay at work til my shift was over.

I felt stupid when I walked into the office and the secretary had to laugh at me. I had never picked a kid up during the school day and had to ask where I had to sign him out.

As for the kid, he's fine. We've been having spring allergy issues here and the sinus drainage made him get a little queasy.

I'm so glad a girl from another store was able to come cover my shift today though or I'd not have been able to leave work. I'm beginning to re-think my decision to keep my job this deployment.


Lisa G said...

aww poor Andy. I hope he's feeling better.

Kristy said...

I hope he's feeling better. My husband has allergies and it's no fun!