Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fire Safety

Well, I'm glad they teach fire safety to kids in school, lol. It was still kinda funny. This morning I was blowdrying my hair and the hair dryer decided to spark and flare and blow up on me. Nothing major. Very little smoke and no fire at all, just a few big sparks until I unplugged it.
Well, the smoke alarm went off. While I had Andy go get the stool so I could fan it, I guess the girls had gotten out the door and were on the porch ready to head to the meeting tree I'd always told them we'd meet at. LOL. So, they knew right away it was the fire alarm.
After about 30 seconds of ear piercing screech, I got it fanned and turned off. Good thing I'd already planned a shopping trip today. Except now my hair looks a tad crazy since I couldn't dry it.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Keeper

So he called tonight. I swear that's reason #5 that I married that man. He knows. He knows when I need to hear his voice. He may not be able to give me a hug from 6000+ miles away, but he knows when I need a phone call.
We won't get into reasons #1-#4 in this blog post. That's just a bit TMI for you all. Ha!

It Was Just A Cookie

I swear it was just a dang cookie. But sometimes having a cookie after two glasses of wine does weird things to a person.
My sister Paula made some cookies with our Grandma Sophie's recipe. (those that have eaten them, KNOW) My sister Bethany brought me a few tonite. By the time I got to eat one, I'd had a glass and a half of a really really great tasting Riesling my dad (sophie's son) had gotten me recently.
I was transported back in time. I was 5 years old again, eating one of Grandma's cookies out of a tin on my parents' front porch. The porch of the house I now own. Where tonite I ate that dang cookie.
Maybe I'm just emotional. It will be 5 years this month since Grandma died. Which I'm sure is why the cookies were made this weekend since it was the 5 year memorial mass at my parent's Church.
I held it together until my sister (pregnant and I know,from experience, probably emotional) and my good friends Laura and Kim left and my kids were in bed. I poured another glass of wine (damn dad picks good stuff) and I'm having my pity party.
I just can't believe it's been 5 years. And I need a hug and my husband, my best friend, is 6000 miles away in Kuwait.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Darth Tater Rides Again!

Those that know my husband know of his obsession with Star Wars and his Mr Potato Head collection. Last time he was deployed, Darth Tater became part of that collection. This week Darth is happily riding along with my husband as he sees his former stomping grounds "over there". I'm hoping to purchase the Spuda Fett one at some point (boba fett).
Newest to the collection is Indian Jones potato head "Taters of the Lost Ark" who is now in transit to Mark via usps. I figure "Indy" will feel at home over there with all the dust and sand. As long as there's no snakes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So Stimulating!

Haha. So I "stimulated" the economy today. I bought my new furniture. And it was not financed. I paid in full at time of purchase. I have to wait about 2 weeks or so until it's in but I'm so excited! I got the sofa, chair, and ottoman. That will leave room later for either a recliner for Mark, or a glider for me. We will wait til next year when Mark is home to decide.
I also spent money at Kohls, Disney Store, and Godiva. So in one day I spent almost the equivalent of my husband's next paycheck. Now, I did send some money to my husband as well (hey babe, there's more $$ on your card, haha) so I didn't spend it all on myself. Though really the only thing I bought myself was the 3 pieces of chocolate from Godiva.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

As you may know, I'm a military spouse. I never really thought about it much until 9/11 when my husband started sleeping at the armory a few nights a week after working his regular job. The first deployment to Iraq really brought it home.
I've been with Mark since high school. I still have all the letters he wrote me from basic training. But we were together almost exactly 12 years before I really thought about the military being a part of our life because it was "part time" in the National Guard. His brother is an active duty Marine and I always considered his wife a military spouse. My oldest sister was an active duty army wife for a time in her first marriage.
Sometime in the early 80's, Then President Ronald Reagan decided that the Friday before Mother's Day would be known as Military Spouse Appreciation Day. I never knew about it until 2005 when my husband was deployed to Baghdad, Iraq.
Tomorrow I know my friend's have something up their sleeve. They keep hinting at it. I have to work and work is letting me wear my photo pin of my husband on my uniform. It's normally a no-no but tomorrow is going to be a fun day at work for other reasons so they're relaxing the dress code a little bit.
So, to all the other military spouses out there that may read this, have a good day tomorrow.

Monday, May 5, 2008

New furniture!

Okay, I admit it. I'm not what many would call the typical woman when it comes to shopping. I know what I want and if I don't see it, I move on. Shopping with my mom kinda irritates me, lol. She has to look at everything! I can't do it.

Well, today within 2 minutes of walking into Sofa Mart, I found my new living room furniture. I found it online too and sent a pic of the color/print choice to my husband so he could see it. The online photo only had the style, not fabric choices. So I took a picture on my cell phone and emailed it to him along with the link to what the set looked like.

I had a whole day planned, with several shops to look at, but I decided this was "the" set and I will stick with it. It's soooo comfortable and really looks like a "Becky and Mark" set of furniture.

Now, I just have to go back up there and order it. I'm paying cash, no financing this set. Woot! And no, not with my stimulus check which won't be here for a few more weeks. My husband re-enlisted and got a bonus. So it will hit our account friday, I'll go buy my furniture saturday and can't wait to see it in my house!

My old sofa and my end tables now belong to my good friend Laura. She lived here the past two months while she got back on her feet from a bad relationship. She moved to her own place this weekend with her almost 5 year old little boy. She needed a sofa and some end tables. What's funny is my husband and I originally planned on getting new furniture about this time last year. But for some reason never got around to it. Life is funny sometimes isn't it?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Where's my $$$$???

We qualified for the "stimulus check". With our SSN's it should have been put in by today. We efiled and direct deposited. No money :(
I guess it was too good to be true.